When you own and run a business, a large investment of time and money is needed. Protecting this investment should be a number one priority for any business owner. Despite the different security measures you may employ and use, theft is a constant threat to this investment for any business. It can happen in a number of ways, such as theft of stock, money, even goods in transit. It only takes one theft to greatly affect or even shut down a business. Recorded theft of commercial/retail properties has risen over the last number of years from just over 14,800 incidences to just over 19,500 incidencesaccording to statistics from the Central Statistics Office (www.cso.ie).
Having insurance that covers you in the event of theft minimises the cost that the theft has on you and your business. Although it will not prevent the theft in the first place, the insurance will enable you to continue to operate your business as smoothly as possible after a theft has happened.